Saturday, October 19, 2019

Contingency Planning in Action Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Contingency Planning in Action - Term Paper Example The organization specializes with offering cloud-computing services where other individuals and organizations would rely on in matters of keeping sensitive information and easy access and retrieval of the same whenever required at a fee. The organization has its headquarters and the main office in Johannesburg in South Africa though plans are underway of establishing constituent operating sub ventures in the western countries where it supposes the business would thrive. It currently operates with an employee base of hardly forty technicians due to its small capacity in operation and for the reason that few experts are required to carry out the lump some work of handling the data technologically. It therefore provides solutions to small and medium business ventures in Africa in matters of data where the benefit to the clients would be through lowered costs of operations. In order to add capacity or improve capabilities of functionality of an organization having not to invest in person nel training, licensing news software as well as investing in new infrastructure, the emerging trend is in adopting the cloud computing services from such providers as the Africaninvestments data handlers. ... Moreover, a new business niche would be created in offering security as a service, which would specialize in single, as well as multi-tier security provision and which would effective in being unpredictable to the hackers. The primary functions of the Africaninvestments data handlers organization is to offer data storage and handling facilities to the business fraternity as well as to individual persons who would like to have their data stored away from own systems in order to ensure secrecy and security. However, just as is the case with all other businesses, it is worth noting that the organization suffers specific challenges especially those associated with the secrecy and security of the data being handled. Kuyoro and team studied the security issues as well as challenges that are posed by cloud computing with attention on the types of cloud computing services and the types of service delivery. The study found that cloud computing often deal with social networks and online softwa re applications for data storage as well as transfer. The fear of the ‘too much’ exposure of an organization’s data and information raises the concern of exactly how much the environment is within the era of cloud computing. Actually, this has been pointed out to be their major reason of the slow acceptance of the cloud. Cloud providers are definitely hesitant in disclosing their infrastructure to their clients, which confirms the fears of the clients to how much one is to trust the providers with their sensitive data and information. Through intensive review of literature from past studies, the research study established the following to be the main concerns in security of cloud computing. Compromise of data

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